Ep 13 – “Growing Through Adversity”

This podcast episode tackles the thorny question of why a good God allows suffering. We explore the tension between God’s goodness, evident in the blessings of nature, and the reality of pain and suffering in the world. Examining Matthew 5:45 and the Epicurean paradox, we consider how human free will and sovereignty play a role in the existence of suffering. We use the analogy of chess to illustrate how choices play out within a closed system of rules and how God chooses to work within those boundaries.

However, suffering isn’t without purpose. Drawing on Romans 5:3-4, we discuss how adversity can lead to growth, fostering endurance, character, and hope. We look at examples of athletes, Navy Seals, and mountain climbers who push their limits to achieve greatness, illustrating our innate admiration for those who overcome obstacles. Like C.S. Lewis in “A Grief Observed” and the biblical figure of Job, we acknowledge that suffering can challenge our understanding of God but ultimately lead to deeper insights and spiritual growth. Join us as we explore how suffering, though difficult, can serve a greater purpose in our lives.

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Wade Stanley Written by: