Ep 23 – “The Final Enemy: How Jesus Conquered Death and Satan”

In this episode, we delve deeper into the problem of evil as addressed in the Bible, focusing on the fear of death—Satan’s most potent weapon against humanity. We discuss how both moral and natural evil, culminating in death, represents a corruption of God’s original design for life. This episode explores the universal fear of death and how different worldviews approach this inevitable reality, from ancient philosophies to modern humanist perspectives.

Drawing upon the biblical narrative, we investigate Hebrews chapter two, which speaks of Jesus’ triumph over the power of death and Satan through His death and resurrection. This act of grace releases believers from the bondage of fear and spiritual death imposed by sin. We dive into the profound implications of Christ’s victory, as illustrated in Scripture, and how it provides the ultimate solution to the problem of evil by conquering Satan’s greatest weapon—death.

Join us as we unfold the theological and existential significance of Jesus’ resurrection, discovering how His victory ensures our triumph over sin and death. Through Christ, the fear of death is transformed into a source of hope and assurance, offering believers the promise of eternal life and vanquishing the greatest evil we face.

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Wade Stanley Written by: