The Gospel Saves Posts

January 19, 2013 / / Prophecy

I was studying the book of Revelation last week with a brother in Christ.  As we considered the tremendous victory depicted in chapter 19, the brother leading our study pointed out a short statement at the end of verse 10, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” 

January 17, 2013 / / Salvation

One of God’s most remarkable qualities is His power to foresee human events.  In Isaiah 46:9-10, God says this power sets Him apart from all other gods:

Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure.’

December 28, 2012 / / Salvation

After successfully defeating Jericho, the children of Israel carried their invasion of Canaan to the city of Ai.  Because Ai was a less populous city than Jericho, Joshua committed only three thousand soldiers to the fight.  Surprisingly, Israel was thoroughly routed.  Confounded by Israel’s failure, Joshua asked God why He brought Israel across the Jordan only to be defeated by the land’s inhabitants.  God offers a simple reason:  you lost because there is sin in the camp.  As the seventh chapter of Joshua unfolds, we learn about Achan, an Israelite who grew a little too greedy in Jericho.  Achan ignored God’s explicit instructions and took for himself a beautiful Babylonian cloak as well as silver and gold.  He buried these treasures underneath his tent, hiding his transgression from everyone except God.

December 26, 2012 / / Jesus Christ

I knew a man who was living with a debilitating, mortal disease for many years.  In his own words, he stood on death’s doorstep for a long time.  For over a decade, he was in and out of the hospital and in a number of instances he nearly died.  Time and again he would return home, defying the odds defined by conventional human wisdom. 

December 17, 2012 / / Holy Spirit

Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? (Acts 19:2).

Paul encountered in Ephesus a group of disciples who believed in Jesus, but they had not received the Holy Spirit.  Today’s conventional teaching on the reception of the Holy Spirit and salvation in Jesus’s name rests on the assumption that both are bestowed when one believes in Jesus.  

November 27, 2012 / / Society

A Christian’s loyalty ultimately rests in God. A Christian recognizes God’s sovereignty in their lives over human governments, administrations, organizations, or any other form of authority. Throughout history this has placed God’s followers at odds with many of man’s institution. Worldly men are always striving for influence over other men. Whether it is through social status, governmental institutions, or religious authority men are always placing themselves in a position where they are able to exert influence and control over others. 

October 29, 2012 / / Christian Character

It is safe to say we are living through a period of time where men are malcontent. Every city seems to be facing challenges both politically and fiscally. Some individuals are going to work wondering whether or not that will be their last hour of pay before they are let go. Thus, society appears to be in a constant state of turbulence, seeking to find the one entity to blame for all their problems. There is very little peace, and even less patience.

October 22, 2012 / / Doctrine

Psalm 89: 6-7 “For who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.” The Lord is Greatly to be feared! Luke tells us in Acts 9:31 that the New Testament church walked in the fear of the Lord. “Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.”

October 16, 2012 / / Worship

Something about human nature loves rituals. A ritual is to step from the symbols ofalphabetical characters (which convey words unto ideas) to fabricating symbols out of gestures, designs (in fabric, glass, works of art, etc), set phrases, and any other sensual stimulus to support an idea being communicated. It is called a ceremony for civil activities. In the religious world there are a number of terms describing the same: liturgy, ceremony, and rite.

September 12, 2012 / / Church

The germ of any great idea, machination or agenda is necessity; without a need the scheme is frivolous and the greater the need, the more highly esteemed the solution to the need is. Mickey Mantle was a hero of sorts in his day and he satisfied millions of peoples’ entertainment ‘needs’, but Dr. Jonas Salk was THE hero of the day and Mantle’s flame was very dim to the blaze of Salk’s stardom. The reason is simple: people valued the polio vaccine even more than they did Mantle’s baseball exploits.