Author: Wade Stanley

January 7, 2022 / / Baptism
January 5, 2022 / / Prophecy
December 31, 2021 / / Christian Character
December 29, 2021 / / Prophecy
December 22, 2021 / / Prophecy

The End Times, Ep 3

December 17, 2021 / / Prophecy

The End Times Study, Ep 2

December 10, 2021 / / Prophecy

End Times Study, Ep 1

December 6, 2021 / / Love

Overcoming addiction through Christ: I’m not an expert in this field, but I consulted a dear sister in Christ, Michelle Savage, who has overcome her addiction through faith in the name of Jesus Christ and is now a counselor in a program that helps addicts break free from their chains. In the video, I talk about addiction as a form of idolatry that stands between the addict and God and damages our relationships with others. God provides a way of escape through Jesus Christ, but sometimes family members and self stand in the way. Michelle shared a few Scriptures that help her fight her battles and I close with some hopeful statements for anyone caught in the throes of addiction.

November 26, 2021 / / Christian Character

When we are deeply hurt, “Do I HAVE to forgive,” often comes to mind. In three passages, Jesus offers a clear answer and shows us how to forgive. Our struggles with forgiveness are real, but there are also real benefits to forgiveness.

November 19, 2021 / / False Teaching