In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to pursue greater righteousness than the…
Author: Wade Stanley
We are saved by the sacrifice of Jesus, but the first word Jesus preached was repent. We repent when we turn away from sin. We have no assurance that we are saved unless we repent.
The Bible reveals a view of race that diverges from the view held by Western Civilization for the last five centuries. Consequently, interracial marriage is not an issue for those with a Biblical view. In fact, the primary concern for marriage from a Biblical view has nothing to do with race. Christians should concern themselves with marrying fellow Christians.
Under the Old Law, God expected the Israelites to tithe up to three times a year. Christ mentions tithing in a few places, but early Christians did not incorporate the practice of a tithe. Instead of a tithe, early Christians gave based on their own discretion. The church used the funds to support Christian widows, the poor, gospel preachers, Christian prisoners, and those affected by calamities.