Joshua – the Unified Kingdom

LessonTitlePassageStudy GuidesYouTube
33Intro to Joshua, Judges, and the Unified KingdomJoshua - 1 Kings 11XX
34RahabJoshua 2-5X
35Jericho FallsJoshua 6-8XX
36Intro to the Judges and EhudJudges 1-3XX
37Deborah and BarakJudges 4-5XX
38GideonJudges 6-7XX
39JephthahJudges 11XX
40SamsonJudges 13-16XX
41RuthRuth 1-4XX
42Samuel1 Samuel 1-3X
43The Philistines Capture the Ark1 Samuel 4-7X
44Saul Crowned King1 Samuel 8-10X
45Saul Loses the Crown1 Samuel 15X
46David Anointed1 Samuel 16X
47David vs Goliath1 Samuel 17XX