Am I Ready to Be Baptized?

Baptism is a significant step in one’s spiritual journey, and it’s important to be sure you’re ready. In the Church of Christ, we believe baptism is a response to hearing and understanding the gospel. It’s not something to take lightly, and it requires faith, repentance, and a commitment to follow Christ.

First, ask yourself, “Do I believe that Jesus is the Son of God?” Faith in Jesus is foundational. Acts 8:37 says, “…If you believe with all your heart, you may.” Believing in Jesus means trusting that He died for your sins and rose again to give you hope of eternal life.

Next, consider if you’ve repented of your sins. Acts 2:38 teaches that repentance is essential before baptism. Repentance means turning away from sin and committing to live a life that pleases God.

Lastly, baptism is for those who are ready to obey Christ. Mark 16:16 says, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved…” It is through baptism that you are united with Christ, having your sins washed away (Romans 6:3-4).

“Am I Ready” Checklist

The list below is incomplete, but it’s a good way to cross-check the reasons for baptism with Scripture. If you have questions or want to know more information, feel free to email the website editor of The Gospel Saves

Do you understand the Gospel?

Personal Preparation

Study Baptism’s Purpose

Post-Baptism Commitments