Tag: Eternity

December 20, 2020 /
Living for eternity helps us cope with the evil of this world. Not all solutions for evil can be found in this world.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Living for Eternity

Living for eternity helps us cope with the evil of this world. The Bible teaches…

October 30, 2020 /
The resurrected body is a mystery. Our only hint is the type of body Jesus occupies is the same type of body we will receive.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
A Mystery

Because Jesus rose from the dead, those who believe in Him have hope for eternal…

November 16, 2009 / / Eternity

After death man has no more portion of the things done on this earth. No more will the dead receive the rewards of the living. No more will they know or feel the emotions of man. Ecclesiastes 5:15 (also see Job 1:21) tells us, “As he came forth of his mother’s womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand.” Man came with nothing. Man shall leave with nothing this world provides him.