Tag: resurrection

January 27, 2025 / / Eternity

In this episode, we address a crucial question: Is Jesus the only way to God? Focusing on John 14:6, we unpack the implications of Jesus declaring Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life.” We examine the biblical view of sin, explore various religious perspectives, and affirm Jesus’ unique role in bridging humanity and the divine, inviting deeper reflection on faith.

March 3, 2023 / / False Teaching
March 15, 2021 / / Baptism
December 22, 2015 / / Apologetics

In my last blog post, I briefly discussed how historians are faced with the difficult task of unravelling true historical facts from the embellishments that creep in over time.  However, the threat of legend overtaking fact is mitigated by the gap between the actual event and the earliest record. 

April 30, 2013 / / Prophecy

In the previous post, I began an examination of Psalm 110.  Jesus, Peter, Paul, and the writer of Hebrews all refer to the Psalm as Messianic.  Ancient Jewish scholars also believed the Psalm was Messianic.  Jesus used Psalm 110 in Matthew 22:41-46 when He asked the Jewish leaders about the descent of the Messiah from David. 

June 5, 2012 / / Jesus Christ

I do not know every detail concerning the second coming of Christ. I only know what the Bible has to say about that event. In this post I will try to lay out the major tenants of Christ’s coming that I believe can be supported by the scriptures. If I have missed something please let me know.

Christ Is Coming

In my mind one of the most important aspects of Christ’s coming is its certainty. That he is coming again is backed up by four major witnesses.

April 3, 2012 / / Apologetics

Until recently, I always wondered why Thomas would not believe. Here was Jesus, the Son of God. Thomas spent over three years listening to Jesus explain truths concerning His Father, His death, and His resurrection. Thomas watched as five loaves and two fish feed five thousand men plus women and children. Was he not the one in John 11 who was willing to die with Christ, proving a level of commitment to Him and to His word.

August 9, 2011 / / Salvation

The Bible is filled with challenging topics.  It is strange to me that one of its simplest – baptism in Jesus’ name for the remission of sins – is among its most misunderstood.  The Scripture’s teaching on baptism is uncomplicated and unambiguous.  We need not ascend into heaven to understand this doctrine.  It is accessible and straightforward. The Bible Teaches Water Immersion

July 14, 2009 / / Apologetics

“All but four of the major world religions are based on mere philosophical propositions.  Of the four that are based on personalities rather than on a philosophical system, only Christianity claims an empty tomb for its founder” (McDowell, p. 205).  Followers of Judaism agree that Abraham died about 1900 B.C.  The earliest accounts of Buddha’s death declare that he died “with that utter passing away in which nothing whatever remains behind,” (Smith, p. 385) and make no mention of a resurrection.

April 27, 2009 / / Salvation

No matter our religious conviction we share a common destiny.  By the Holy Spirit’s inspiration Paul declared:

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Corinthians 5:10)

Whether we acknowledge Jesus in this life or not, we will stand before Him one day to answer for our life’s activities.