In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to pursue greater righteousness than the Scribes and Pharisees, but what does this greater righteousness look like? He warns us about the destructive potential of anger, that anger for no cause is tantamount to murder. Thus, we should seek reconciliation quickly; reconciliation is more important than worshipping God and we should not trust third parties to settle disputes on our behalf. In these instructions, strains of humility, meekness, and peacemaking rise to the surface, compelling us to a higher plane of morality.
Agree with Your Adversary Quickly
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CategoriesChristian Character
Tagsagree with your adversary quickly agree with your adversary quickly kjv agree with your adversary quickly meaning angry with his brother without a cause angry without a cause angry without reason leave your gift at the altar leave your gift at the altar and reconcile leave your gift at the altar meaning matthew 5:25 what does it mean to agree with your adversary quickly what to do when you are angry without any reason whoever is angry with his brother without a cause