Tag: historical Christianity

January 4, 2016 / / Apologetics

From the writings of Clement of Rome and Irenaeus, we know that the core elements of the Christian faith were established by the end of the first century, some 60-70 years following the death and reported resurrection of Jesus.  I indicated in my previous post that though this is early testimony in terms of ancient history, there are more ancient documents that communicate these truths.

February 17, 2015 / / Apologetics

In his book, The Nature of Historical Explanation, Patrick Gardiner asked a worthwhile question:

“In what sense can I be said to know an event which is in principle unobservable, having vanished behind the mysterious frontier which divides the present from the past?  And how can we be sure that anything really happened in the past at all, that the whole story is not an elaborate fabrication, as untrustworthy as a dream or a work of fiction?”