Tag: Jesus

May 16, 2021 / / Society

The Bible reveals a view of race that diverges from the view held by Western Civilization for the last five centuries. Consequently, interracial marriage is not an issue for those with a Biblical view. In fact, the primary concern for marriage from a Biblical view has nothing to do with race. Christians should concern themselves with marrying fellow Christians.

Christian hope differs from hope as we use it in everyday language. The type of hope we normally speak of is wishful thinking or fantasy. Christian hope is distinct insofar as it is confident a better future awaits. Christian hope transforms our lives as we set our sights on this better future, live our lives so that we may obtain it, recognize that our lives all unfold in different ways, and realize the path forward will have obstacles. God is faithful, and so we believe Christian hope is not in vain.

February 25, 2021 /
Can those who haven't heard of Jesus be saved? Discover the answer in this episode as we explore Paul's argument in Romans 1 and 2.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

In the previous episode, the discussion centered around Jesus as the only way to God.…

February 14, 2021 /
The Gospel Saves Podcast
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

In this episode, the question of whether Jesus is the only way to God is…

January 25, 2021 /
Dedicated to discussing matters of faith and truth. Please visit: https://thegospelsaves.me
The Gospel Saves Podcast
God's Answer to Suffering

Jesus is God’s answer to suffering. Pain and suffering are a part of the human…

January 18, 2021 /
A suffering Savior sympathizes with our weaknesses and heartaches. He too suffered alongside us and offers a way to overcome evil.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
A Suffering Savior

In Jesus Christ, God became a full participant in human suffering. Jesus experienced temptation firsthand.…

October 31, 2020 /
The resurrection is the victory Jesus gives us over death. With our bodies transformed, we can live for eternity.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
Victory in Jesus!

God changes our bodies upon our resurrection from the dead. When God gives us a…

October 30, 2020 /
The resurrected body is a mystery. Our only hint is the type of body Jesus occupies is the same type of body we will receive.
The Gospel Saves Podcast
A Mystery

Because Jesus rose from the dead, those who believe in Him have hope for eternal…